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Results for: 'indirect costs'


Justifying Your Budget

By: ktoksu

Topics discussed include: who is responsible for budget development at UVM; how a budget is used by reviewers and program officials; the budget tools available; budget prep best practices; budget justification best practices; different types of co...


indirect derivation PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A video on the indirect derivation rule for proofs.


Water Bars

By: uvmext

Access to a sugarbush is critical for installing and repairing sap collection equipment, tapping and managing crop trees and responding to the effects of natural disturbances. Quality access to the sugarbush relies and a road and trail system that...


2020 Crop Update #2

By: uvmext

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service or NASS has released the crop totals for the 2020 maple season. Vermont let the US in total taps with 6.15 million statewide. New York had the next highest number of taps with 2.8 million. Combined...


Lab 9 video

By: mcmcinti

Indirect Statements and Result Clauses


LAT 001 Lab 7

By: mcmcinti

Indirect objects and the dative case, definition of a pronoun


Lab 8

By: mcmcinti

Ablative Absolute, Indirect questions, and the Perfect Subjunctive